New Year Brings Changes to Murphy Cordier PLC
by Murphy Cordier Casale Axel PLC | 01/05/2022 | NewsA new year brings changes to Murphy Cordier PLC. In recognition of the contributions to their clients, the Firm and to the legal community over their respective careers, member Alicia M. Casale and partner Jennifer J. Axel have been added to the Firm’s name. As of January 1, 2022, the Firm’s name is MURPHY CORDIER CASALE AXEL PLC. Jen Axel has also been named a member of the Firm.
The Firm also announces that partner Chase E. Halsey has been made a member of the Firm as of January 1 in recognition of his client service and steadfastness since joining in 2015.
The Firm’s domain name and email addresses will be changing this month. Emails to our former email addresses will continue to work and visitors to will be redirected. Look for an announcement regarding these changes. Moving forward, the Firm will be referred to as MCCA Law and our domain will be
The Firm has been dedicated to our clients’ legal needs since its founding in 2010. These changes will strengthen our resolve to provide personal, top notch legal advice.
We look forward to working with you in 2022 and beyond.